If you don't utilize your inspections feature (DVI) in Tekmetric, we highly recommend to start incorporating DVIs into your shop operations. Inspecting every vehicle that comes into your shop will give your technicians the opportunity to inspect the vehicle and recommend jobs for the service writers to quote and upsell to your customers.
Prior to this feature, the service writer (or technician) had to manually add an inspection template for technicians onto every repair order created.
Now, the shop owner or manager can mark certain inspections as default inspections. Once the inspection is set as a default inspection, it will be auto-added to every repair order created. Marking your inspection(s) as default inspections will help increase efficiency when building a repair order and will reduce RO building effort by at least 3 clicks.
Mark Inspection(s) as Default
To mark an inspection template as a default inspection, navigate to the Inspections section on your left menu bar. Below are the two ways you can set your inspections as default.
Click the three dots to the right of the inspection you want to set as default. Then select Mark as Default.

You can also click into the inspection template, and check off Mark as default inspection on the top right.

You can set as many default inspections as you'd like. If you set two DVI templates as default, then both will be added to every repair order created moving forward. Once you set your inspection(s) as default, they will not affect current open repair orders, or any that were previously posted.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can I set multiple inspections as default inspections? Yes, you can!
Can I set this feature in my MSO, and publish to all my locations? Not in the first iteration; however, we are monitoring feedback to see if this is highly requested.
For more information on how to create an inspection, click here.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at support@tekmetric.com.