Often times, there will be inspections you want to perform on a vehicle that is for internal use only. Below are a few reasons why a shop would potentially want to have an inspection marked for internal use:
Quality assurance - shops many want to ensure that all vehicles leaving the premises meet a certain standard of quality and safety. By conducting an internal inspection, they can catch and address any issues before releasing the vehicle to the customer.
Regulatory compliance - depending on the state, there might be legal specific regulations that require shops to perform certain types of inspections. These inspections might not necessarily be for the customers benefit, but rather to comply legally.
Liability concerns - shops many want to just take pictures of the vehicle's exterior prior to touching it. For example, this will help avoid issues where customers accuse shops that their car "didn't come in" with a specific dent, scratch, etc.
In Tekmetric, service writers will now be able to mark an inspection as an internal inspection. This will still show for the technicians to perform; however, it removes the inspection(s) from the customer facing documents and links.
To mark an inspection as internal on a repair order, the user will just need to click the eye icon on the top right corner of an inspection.
Note: The users with permission to message customers will be able to adjust which inspections will not be visible to a customer.