Shops on the Grow and Scale tiers can review and transfer AllData parts and labor directly from within the labor guide when building an estimate.
Connect AllData Integration
- To connect the AllData integration, navigate to Shop Settings on the left menu bar, then the Integrations tab.
- Find the AllData integration card (it is next to the Prodemand one) and click Manage.
- Accept the AllData terms and conditions and then log into your AllData account to connect.
- Note: You will need to re-verify your AllData account every 30 days by reconnecting the integration. This is something AllData requires.
- If you access AllData today via IP address login, you will need to contact their team to get a username and password. The integration does not support IP address login.
- Once you verify your account, the integration card will show as Connected.
Using AllData to Build Jobs
Once connected, you will be able to use the AllData integration within labor guide modal in the estimate. NOTE: You will need to have decoded the vehicle VIN to access the labor guide.
If you have any feedback you’d like to give, please contact our support team.