In order to better understand your business, we recommend you to set up your job categories, and to require job categories on every job before closing out a repair order. This will allow you to analyze what type of job is performed most in your shop, what is most profitable, where you could improve, and what your loss leaders are. Not only can you determine the profit, but you can use this report to get a better idea of what you might want to start stocking in inventory.
Here you manage a list of job categories to track categories on jobs for granular reporting purposes. When you create your shop, Tekmetric gives the option to add pre-loaded samples of job categories. You can delete, edit, or add to the samples in your shop.
To Get Started
- Click the Shop Settings section on the bottom of the left menu bar.
- Click the 2nd tab, RO Settings.
- RO Settings table - This table is where you setup most information regarding your repair order and estimates. It is where you set up your labor rates, shop fees, discounts, taxes, job categories, other payments, and advanced settings.
- Click Job Categories to manage a list of job categories on jobs for reporting purposes.
Add Job Category
- Click Add Category to add a desired job category.
- Enter a 5 letter title for your job category.
- Describe what the category includes or is.
- Click Save Categories to save changes made.
Remove Job Category
- To delete a job category, click the X icon to the very right of the category.
- Click Save Categories to save changes made.
Reorder Job Category
- Click the drag & drop icon (3 horizontal lines) on the left to drag up or down a job category.
- Click Save Categories to save changes made.
Additionally, job categories may be able to transfer over into Quickbooks via Accounting Link so that you can have those tags on the Accounting side as well. The Back Office Team can best help ensure your Accounting Link is mapping these correctly.