You can now set the sub-total (pre-tax) of a job to whatever you would like. No matter how many parts or the cost, it will make the job equal the set sub-total. You can do this at a discount (weighted or labor first), as well as at surplus added to labor.
Here are the multiple ways to create package priced jobs:
Add Package Pricing on Existing Canned Job
- Click the Canned Jobs section on the left menu bar.
- Click on the desired canned job you would like to add package pricing to.
- Click the lock icon next to the subtotal of the Canned Job.
- Set the desired package price you would like to sub-total to be.
- Choose what method you would like the price to be calculated:
Equal-weighted distribution - labor and parts will be equally adjusted to calculate the job total
- Example: If you set the package price to $50, then labor will cost $25 and parts will cost $25
Linear distribution - labor first calculated and then parts are calculated to match desired total
- Click the blue Save button.
Note: If the package price exceeds the actual amount of the job, the surplus amount can then be shown in discount or be added to labor or parts as surplus.
Click the lock icon next to the subtotal to get started:
Set your package price and method of calculation:
If there is any surplus, we recommend to add to labor:
Once you set the price on your job, you will be able to add as many labor or part lines, and Tekmetric will automatically adjust the subtotal price to be the price you selected.