Tekmetric provides a comprehensive set of configurable RO labels as well as preset workflow statuses for you to track your work and manage the state of ROs in your shop. Labels are column-specific and are used to uniquely identify the progress of each RO whereas statuses are dynamic and rely on a combination of user input and automation to move ROs between workflow columns. Additionally, labels are configurable and can be fully customized by column to fit the needs of your shop while statuses cannot be changed.
Out of the box, Tekmetric labels are only editable within the Work-In-Progress column. However, as of March 2023, we have added a new Configurable Label feature allowing you to add, delete, rename, reorder, and recolor RO labels across all workflow columns. In both variations, when ROs move between workflow columns, their labels will automatically change to reflect the new default label in each column.
How to Change an RO Label
From within the Job Board or Tech Board (or from the header of the Estimate), select the edit pencil next to the RO label and use the dropdown to pick the new label you'd like to assign.
How to Enable Configurable RO Labels
To customize your RO labels, navigate to the RO Label filter and select Configure to open the Configurable Labels setup modal. Once opened, select the toggle to enable this feature. From here you can add, delete, rename, reorder, and recolor your RO labels across all workflow columns. If you'd like to disable this feature, simple slide the toggle to left to return to the standard Tekmetric label set (don't worry, we will remember your previous labels)!
Note: Only users with the Shop Settings permission enabled can configure this feature.
Editing and Customizing Labels
To edit an RO label, select Edit next to the column you'd like to change. You can use + Add Label to add a new label, the drag icon to reorder your labels, the delete icon to delete your labels, or the color picker to change the color of your label. Once you're done making changes, select Save to propagate the changes to your shop.
- Labels can only be a max length of 22 characters.
- You can only have 20 labels per workflow column.
- If a label is deleted and has an associated RO, the RO will be reassigned to the default label in that column.
Workflow statuses are dynamic based on the state of the repair and rely on a combination of user input and automation to move ROs through the shop. For example, when an RO is approved by you or your customer, it will automatically move from the Estimates to Work-In-Progress column. Statuses can also be shown as Quick Actions, allowing for immediate update, or as simple text on the RO card.
Note: Your Job Board (and Tech Board) may update automatically depending on the change in status; however, not all statuses will automatically update between columns.
Understanding Workflow Statuses by Column
Estimates Column
- Requires authorization - a job has been added to the Job Table, but the Estimate has not yet been shared with the customer for authorization.
- Pending - the Estimate has been sent to the customer via email, text, or direct link and is awaiting authorization.
- Declined - all jobs in the Estimate have been declined by the customer.
Work-In-Progress Column
- Not started - the Estimate has been approved, but the Job Clock has not been started.
- X of Y hours (sublets) - the Job Clock has been started and the technician has completed X or Y total hours or X of Y sublets have been completed.
Completed Column
- Balance due - work has been completed, but the customer has not yet paid.
- Ready to post - the balance has been paid in full and work has been complete, but the RO has not yet been posted (you will need to Post the RO for it to calculate in you reports).
Payment Statuses
Note: These statuses can apply to both the Estimates and Work-In-Progress columns.
- Credit due - the customer is expecting a refund as the amount paid exceeds the invoice amount.
- Partially paid - the customer has only paid a portion of the invoice amount.
- Paid - the customer has paid the balance in full and all work has been completed.
Quick Actions
Quick Actions allow you to easily change the status of your RO without requiring you to click into the Estimate. If you're in a hurry, you can simply select the button containing the current status to move the RO through your shop's workflow. For example, if a customer calls in to approve the Estimate, you can quickly update the RO to "✓ Approval All" and it will automatically move from the Estimates to Work-In-Progress column.