If you are having difficulties logging in Tekmetric, please make sure of the following:
Ensure you are logging in to the correct website
For most users this is shop.tekmetric.com which is separate from our sandbox.tekmetric.com site. Double check that you are logging in to the correct website.
Double check your email format
The below error message appears when an invalid email format has been entered. This is especially common on tablets and mobile devices.
- Ensure there are no space before or after the email address.
- You have an @domain.com entered.
Invalid email/password combination
If you are receiving the below message, this means that either an account does not exist for this email or the password is invalid. You can always have your Shop Admin log in to see what email address your account is using.
If you are positive you are using the correct email address and have forgotten your password, then use the Forgot Password? button to reset your account password.
Want to change your email address used for login? You can do this in you Account Settings after logging in. See our article here for more details.
Have you Activated your account?
Whenever you created your account or were added as an employee, you should have received an email to activate your account. You will need to complete activation before you are able to login for the first time. The activation email is only valid for 24 hours. If it has been over 24 hours, you will need to have your Shop Admin resend the activation email from within your employee profile in Tekmetric.
If none of the above options work, submit a ticket!
Send us an email at support@tekmetric.com with the following details:
- Shop Name you are trying to login to.
- Your Name.