For any business to understand where they are and where they are going, it is important to measure it. It is said that if you cannot measure something, you can't manage it. Many people start a business because they "want to fix cars", but fail because they don't understand the numbers.
Tekmetric reporting makes it much easier to measure it than it used to be. It will take time to understand all the reporting and we advise you to start small. When you have a solid understanding of one part of it, move on to the next. Similar to when you started out as a technician, and rebuilt your first engine. You start with one section at a time and you do a few over and over, you learned all the necessary steps to do it quicker and more efficiently.
Here is an article from Ratchet & Wrench that goes over tracking and managing your shop numbers.
In the your Shop Dashboard, you can now measure real time car count and sales amount. This will allow you to measure performance and track your weekly sales goals.
The Shop Dashboard is located at the very top of the left navigation menu and has multiple types of real time reporting:
- Job Board + Posted Real Time Reporting - This report will show data for repair orders on your active job board as well as any posted repair orders within the time frame selected.
- Job Board Real Time Reporting - This report will show data for repair orders on your active job board only.
- Posted Real Time Reporting - This Report will show data for only posted repair orders.
- Jobs Created Real Time Reporting - This report will show data for the amount of jobs created within the time frame selected.
Depending on what view of the report you are looking at, the numbers will differ in the graphs and status lists. Below is a brief explanation of each graph and the associated status lists.
- Filtering - you can filter this report by service writers or technicians to see how much a certain employee is bringing into your shop.
Header - consists of metrics for repair orders currently on your active job board as well as any posted ROs for the desired time frame. These metrics include:
- Car Count - number of repair orders with jobs.
- Pending Sales - dollar amount pending on your customers' decision.
- Declined Sales - dollars declined by your customers.
- Approved Sales - dollars approved by your customers.
- ARO - average repair order dollar amount.
- Close Ratio - dollars sold/dollars presented.
Graph Options
Car Count Graph - bar graph that shows the amount of cars on your active job board and the associated status on the jobs assigned to the cars. There will also be a column for car count that was posted or sent to A/R.
Sales Graph - bar graph that shows the dollar amount sitting on your active job board and the associated status on the jobs holding the dollar amount. There will also be a column for dollar amount that was posted or sent to A/R.
Hours Graph - bar graph that shows the amount of labor hours sitting on your active job board and the associated status on the jobs holding those labor hours. There will also be a column for labor hours that were posted or sent to A/R.
Note: You can filter the hours graph by technician to see how much work has been assigned to a certain employee.
The Job Statuses on Graphs:
Require Authorization - jobs have been built out in the estimate and are waiting to be sent to the customer for authorization.
Pending Authorization - jobs that have been sent to the customer and are waiting on authorization.
Decline All - all jobs on the repair order were declined by the customer.
Work Not Started - RO is authorized, but technician has not started working on the jobs.
In-Progress - jobs have been authorized and the RO status is set to in-progress on the job board.
Need to Order Parts - jobs were authorized and parts need to be ordered.
Waiting on Parts - parts were ordered but the shop has not received them.
Waiting on Customer - if you are waiting on the customer for something.
Waiting on Sublet - if you are waiting on a sublet job to be completed.
On Hold - RO is on hold / tech has paused his work.
Balance Due - jobs are complete and ready to take payment from customer.
Ready to Post - payment has been taken, you can now post RO.
Credit Due - you over charged the customer, so you need to issue a refund to the customer.
Posted - amount of ROs that have been posted for the desired time frame.
In A/R - amount of ROs posted to A/R for the desired time frame.
Repair Order Status List for Car Count & Sales Graph
Below the car count and sales graph is a list of all the repair order statuses and total dollar amount for the following RO statuses:
Unchecked - dollar amount that is a draft job and hidden from your customers.
Pending - dollar amount that is still pending authorization from your customers.
Declined - dollar amount that has been declined by your customers.
In-Progress - dollar amount that is actively being worked on in your shop.
Completed - dollar amount of jobs that have been completed in your shop.
Posted - dollar amount of jobs that have been completed and paid for in your shop.
Total Sold - total dollar amount sold.
Total Written - total dollar amount written.
Close Ratio - amount approved / amount written.
Car Count - total amount of ROs for each status.
ARO - average repair order dollar amount.
AWRO - average written repair order dollar amount.
Repair Order Status List for Hours Graph
Below the hours graph is a list of all the repair order statuses and total hours for the following RO statuses:
Unchecked - amount of labor hours that are in draft jobs and hidden from your customers.
Pending - labor hours that still need to be authorized by your customers.
Declined - labor hours declined by your customers.
In-Progress - labor hours that are actively being worked on in your shop.
Completed - labor hours have been completed in your shop.
Posted - labor hours completed and paid for in your shop.
Hours Written - total amount of hours written.
Car Count - total amount of ROs for each status.
Note: RO level fees and discounts are not included in this report. And so, your end of day report will NOT match your Real Time reporting.