The Job Categories Report contains detailed metrics across your shop's custom Job Categories for the period selected. The data on this report is generate only from ROs with a posted date in the selected date range. We have broken each component of the Job Categories report below:
- You can choose a preset date range or choose a custom date range.
- The report overall is filterable by Service Writer and/or Technician.
- The report can be exported into Excel as a CSV.
Data Columns:
Category - These are the categories you've set in your Shop Settings that have been applied to one or more ROs in the selected period.
Description - Expanded description of the category as set in your Shop Settings.
Jobs - The number of jobs that this category has been applied to in the period.
Billed Time - Total hours billed on jobs for this category.
Actual Time - Actual clocked time on jobs for this category.
Efficiency - Billed time/Actual time.
Labor Total - Total Labor sales dollars (before taxes or RO level fees & discounts are factored in).
Parts Total - Total Part sales dollars (before taxes or RO level fees & discounts are factored in).
Sublet Total - Total Sublet sales dollars (before taxes or RO level fees & discounts are factored in).
Fees Total - Total Fee sales dollars (before taxes or RO level fees & discounts are factored in). It is important to clarify that because this is a report for data at each individual job level, these fees are only fees that were added within specific jobs and not RO level fees.
Job Discounts - Total Discount dollars (before taxes or RO level fees & discounts are factored in). Similar to the caveat explained for "Fees Total", these discounts are only inclusive of discounts that were added within specific jobs and not RO level discounts.
Est. Taxes - Estimated tax collected for jobs in this category.
Job Totals - Total Sales Dollars for the overall job(s) in this category (Labor Total + Part Total + Sublet Total + Fee Total - Discounts + Est. Taxes).
Stock Inv Cost - Cost of Goods Sold for items used from Inventory.
Non-Stock Inv Cost - Cost of Goods Sold for items purchased/used outside of inventory.
Sublet Cost - Cost of sublets for the job(s) in this category.
Labor Cost - Cost of labor for job(s) in this category. the cost is calculated by taking the hourly rate of the technician assigned to the job(s) and multiplying that rate by the billed hours.
Total Cost - All job level costs directly tied to the job(s) in this category (excluding RO level items). Comprised of Stock Inv Cost + Non Stock Inv Cost + Sublet Cost + Labor Cost).
GP$ - Gross Profit Dollars overall for all the jobs in this category (Job Totals - Total Cost - Est Tax columns).
GP% - Gross Profit Percentage is what portion of the sales price to the customer is comprised of profit dollars (GP$ / (Job Totals - Est. Tax).
Average Job - Total sales dollars divided up across the count of jobs (Job Totals / Jobs).