What is the Hacker Tracker?
The Hacker Tracker is an aggregated data sheet designed for users who are part of Shop Fix Academy. The Hacker Tracker aggregates data from Tekmetric that users can input into their coaching tool. This article is going to review the following items that are related to how to best utilize this report:
When does data populate in the Hacker Tracker?
What are the data points within the Hacker Tracker?
How to transfer data from the Hacker Tracker into the Shop Fix Sales Tracker.
Differences Between the Sales Tracker, the Hacker Tracker and the End of Day Report.
How to Close Out the "End of Month" in the Sales Tracker Sheet.
When does data populate in the Hacker Tracker?
Data is populated when a job or jobs are first approved on an open RO (i.e. "Date of Sale"). To trigger this data, simply have the customer authorize any job or jobs on the RO and the information will appear on the report. Please keep in mind that it might take just a few quick minutes for this information to populate.
Note: If the information is not populating correctly, make sure that the blue banner is at the bottom of the job and an authorization confirmation is shown.
Hacker Tracker Data Breakdown
The Hacker Tracker Report features multiple headers that allow for the information to be easily broken down and accessible. Listed below is a small definition of each header:
Completed: This is referencing whether the RO has been posted or not.
RO Count: Count of ROs in the specified date range (this can be modifie.d).
Marketing Source: The lead source for the RO (this information is populated in the RO details on the gray toolbar within the RO).
Date of Sale: Date of first approval of any job on RO (when the customer authorizes a job) select the arrow to toggle between dates presented.
Customer: Customer Name on the RO (this can be filtered by customer).
RO#: Repair Order Number.
Default Tech: Default tech set on the gray gray toolbar within the RO (this information populates when pre-assigning a technician to jobs created on the repair order).
Amount Quoted (Pre-Tax): Amount of total estimate (including discounts, fees, but excluding any taxes). This includes Declined Jobs, but does not include Unchecked Jobs.
Service Writer: Default service writer on the gray toolbar (this can be filtered by Service Writer).
Labor Sales: Labor sales (pre-tax) including discounts.
Non-Labor Sales: Parts, sublets, shop supplies, fees, etc. (pre-tax) including discounts.
Labor Costs: Cost of labor for the entire RO.
Parts Costs: Cost of parts for the entire RO.
Sublet Costs: Cost of sublets for the entire RO.
Note: The Hacker Tracker shows approved jobs on open repair orders as well. If you only want posted repair orders, be sure to switch the toggle next to the search engine on. This will filter the report to only show posted repair orders.
How do I get data from my Hacker Tracker into the Shop-fix Sales Tracker?
- From Tekmetric, navigate to Reports > Financial Reports (default) > Hacker Tracker.
- Select a specific Date Period in the top right corner of the report.
- From the top right corner of Tekmetric, click the download icon to download the data via CSV. (This can be opened in Excel or Google Sheets.)
- Log into your Shop-fix Sales Tracker and delete all the month-to-date in your Data tab.
- Select the data in the download from Marketing Source to Billed Hours and then hold shift and scroll to the bottom of the document.
- Copy (ctrl +c) the downloaded data and select the Data tab on the Sales Tracker report. Find the Marketing Source field and paste (ctrl+v).
Note: If there are issues aligning information into your report, please configure your Marketing Lead Sources accordingly. Have the marketing sources matchup word for word in both Tekmetric and on the Sales Tracker Report. Add the additional Return: in front of the word followed by a “space” then the marketing source name. Here are a few examples below:
- Return: Fleet
- Return: Customer No Source
- New: Google
- New: Mailer Customer
- New: Facebook
Why are there differences between my Sales Tracker and the End of Day Report or other reports?
There are two primary reasons there will be differences:
Appending data into Sales Tracker without fully updating rows for ROs that may have had changes.
- If you put an RO row into the Shopfix Sales tracker and then additional work is sold or discounts are added, those changes will not be reflected in the Sales Tracker.
- This is why we recommend completely wiping the Data tab and overwriting data with the Hacker Tracker export.
Timing differences on when data is populated in each report.
- The Hacker Tracker report is populating data based on the approval date of the RO (regardless of when the ROs were created, posted or if it's on the active job board).
- The other reports in Tekmetric, such as End-of-Day show everything that has been posted based on the post date selected when closing out the RO (regardless of the approval date).
For example: If I get approval on the 30th of the month and add that to my sales tracker, but actually post the RO on the 2nd of the next month, there will be differences between when those sales dollars are accruing across each report.
Is there an extra step that needs to happen to close out end of month in my Sales Tracker Sheet?
Yes, you'll need to filter your Hacker Tracker report to only show posted repair orders before downloading and pasting into your Shop Fix Sales tracker. However, please keep in mind that if you change or move a RO to the next month, it will not be in the Tekmetric Hacker Tracker export if the approval date was a prior month/period.