back to Topic How to Pull StockTrac Data This article will cover the correct steps to pull your StockTrac Data and import that data into Tekmetric successfully by completing the following steps: Exporting your StockTrac Data Upload your StockTrac Data into Tekmetric Exporting StockTrac Data From the desktop open Stoctrac: Login with the level X user (you will have to collect that information from StocktTac). From the main menu navigate to Utilities: Once inside utilities navigate to Export and generate files for: Customers Inventory Sale YOU MUST EXPORT ALL THREE, even if you do not want inventory migrated. We will handle the omission on our end, but you must send over all files regardless. This will generate the files to the following location on your computer: C:\STWIN3\Server. To get to this location, open File Explorer > Go to C:Drive > Expand STWIN3 folder > Expand Server folder. Sort the files in the Server folder by date modified by clicking date. Highlight all the files most recent files, right click and go to copy, then move the files to the desktop. If it doesn't allow you to paste in a folder on your desktop, then create a folder in your drive called Temp, then paste the files in there. Compress all the files to a .zip by right clicking the files and clicking send to > compressed zip files. Upload to Tekmetric per the instructions in the next section. Upload into Tekmetric's Data Migration Tool Navigate to Tekmetric and go to the Shop Settings > Integrations tab and go to the Data Migration Upload Tool Box. Click Upload, and in the window that pops up, click Upload File. Search the Desktop for the Compressed Zip file and upload it. Related articles How to Pull Vast Data File StocTrac Data Migration How to Pull ROW Access Data Uploading File into Data Migration Tool box Commissions Setup & Tracking