What is Tiremetrix's Tire Registration Plus product?
You can find a description of the Tire Registration Plus product here. Tekmetric has built out an integration with this product to enable tire shops to automatically register DOT#s with tire manufacturers. No more manual lookup and entry to remain compliant - turn this integration on and gain your valuable time back!
Will this integration cost me anything?
This integration is part of the overall Tire Suite, which costs $39 a month. For more details on the Tire Suite, go here. You cannot have the Tiremetrix integration without the overall Tire Suite.
How can I turn on this integration in Tekmetric?
First, you must turn on the Tire Suite within your shop. Go here for details on how to do that. Once you've enabled the Tire Suite, you'll see a card that looks something like below:

If you're already a Tiremetrix Tire Registration Plus customer, you can select the Sign In option. You will be prompted to enter your Tiremetrix username on the screen. After doing this and selecting Sign In, the integration will be turned on. If you run into any issues, please contact Tiremetrix support.

If you are not yet a Tiremetrix Tire Registration Plus customer, you can sign up for it without ever leaving Tekmetric! Select the Sign Up option and a form will appear with some information already pre-filled. Complete the form and select Sign Up.

After a moment, you'll receive a success message, meaning that you've successfully signed up for Tiremetrix Tire Registration Plus and turned on the integration in Tekmetric! Please take note of your username and password for future reference.

Now, the integration card will appear as connected within the overall Tire Suite features modal.

If you select the Manage option in the integration card, a modal will appear that displays your username, a Tiremetrix Login option, and a Disconnect option. If you select the Tiremetrix Login option, you'll be navigated to the Tiremetrix login page in a new tab. If you select Disconnect, the integration will be turned off in your shop. You can sign back in with your username to reconnect the integration.

I've turned the integration on. Now what?
Now that the integration is turned on, you have access to functionality within Tekmetric that will help make DOT# registrations easier:
- DOT# Validation Upon Entry on a Job
- DOT# Registration Upon Posting of an RO
DOT# Validation Upon Entry on a Job
With the integration turned on, when you attempt to save DOT#s on a job, Tekmetric will make sure that the DOT#s (TINs) are valid. Tekmetric displays any errors or warnings beneath the relevant DOT# (see example below). Tekmetric will display several types of errors, including (but not limited to):
- Recall information about the tire
- Age information about the tire
You have the ability to configure what types of errors and warnings you want displayed in this modal. The settings can be changed within Tiremetrix in the Admin menu.

If you receive any errors or warnings when entering DOT#s on a job, you have a couple options:
- You can fix the errors and select Retry. Once fixed, no error or warning messages will be present in the modal and you can continue with the normal repair order workflow. Upon posting, the DOT#s will be sent to Tiremetrix, who will then send over the registrations to the correct manufacturer(s).
- You can proceed anyway without correcting any errors. In this case, the tires will still be sent to Tiremetrix upon posting of the RO, but there's no guarantee that the registration with the manufacturer(s) will be successful.
DOT# Registration Upon Posting of an RO
When you post an RO with tires on it, Tekmetric will send any DOT#s on the RO over to Tiremetrix. From there, Tiremetrix will send all registration info for the tires to the relevant manufacturer(s).
For each RO, you can find information about the call to Tiremetrix within the Repair Order Activity Feed (see below). If the call was successful with no errors, you'll see a success message here. If any errors or warnings exist, they will be displayed here. In order to retry the registration call to Tiremetrix, you will need to unpost the RO, change the DOT #s to fix the errors, then post again to send over the information to Tiremetrix.

What other functionality do I get with this integration?
Within Tekmetric, the main goal of this integration is to automate DOT# registration for you and your shop. However, you also will have access to Tiremetrix's Tire Registration Plus product itself. You can log in with your Tiremetrix username and password and get access to even more functionality, such as reporting and tracking of registrations. Learn more about this product here.
Do you have multiple shops that are using the Tiremetrix integration?
If so, you can request parent credentials from Tiremetrix so that you can log into Tiremetrix with one set of credentials and see all registrations across all of your shops, instead of using separate credentials for each shop. This does not require any changes in Tekmetric and will not affect your shops' connections to Tiremetrix.
Instead, to request access you simply need to send an email to Support@TireRegistrationPlus.com and let them know you are a multi-shop operation and would like parent credentials. You'll need to provide them with the following information:
Name and Email of the person of authority that will be using the parent credentials
List of all shops that you'd like linked to the parent account
The Tiremetrix team will then get you set up with the parent account, and from then on you'll be able to log into Tiremetrix with those credentials to view all of your locations.